Use "generalization|generalizations" in a sentence

1. Using generalizations using a property to predict behaviour proof by appeal to a generalization

2. Try to avoid generalization.

3. And then finally, another generalization.

4. Inductive reasoning moves from specific details to broader generalizations.

5. Introspection by an Aristotelian viewpoint: generalization.

6. Consequently generalizations about survival after diagnosis may be problematic.

7. The third generalization is drawn from survey data.

8. Also known as semantic Broadening, generalization, expansion, or extension

9. That image is, of course, a gross generalization.

10. It is unwise to be hasty in generalization.

11. A Concept is an abstract idea or generalization

12. Let me start with the problem of generalization.

13. 21 It is unwise to be hasty in generalization.

14. 25 They are also incredibly diverse; there is little justification for derogatory generalizations.

15. The Fibonacci polynomials are another generalization of Fibonacci numbers.

16. The evaluation of conduct involves some amount of generalization.

17. In the early 1970s, Barry Mazur considered generalizations of Iwasawa theory to abelian varieties.

18. This sweeping generalization is the law of conservation of energy.

19. He made jejune generalizations about how all students were lazy and never did any work.

20. The supergravity and superstring theories in which Branes play promi-nent roles are generalizations of

21. Constructions at Work The Nature of Generalization in Language Adele Goldberg

22. In this sense, Affine is a generalization of Cartesian or Euclidean

23. Consequently, an automatic map generalization method for cartography was put forward.

24. CRA's public education activities suggest that it is difficult to make generalizations about donors' attitudes.

25. This allows generalizations to be made between someone's responses to the cards and their actual behavior.

26. Consistent with the protean nature of migraine, there are many exceptions to this generalization.

27. Psychology's theoretical inadequacies often lead it to replace theory with utilitarian generalizations from its most reliable methods.

28. The term Affectional orientation is used as a generalization of sexual orientation.

29. Generalization in time and space was necessary, especially for agricultural and diffuse sources.

30. They justify their hatred with broad generalizations and apply them to everyone associated with the other team.

31. An Arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) is a generalization of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer

32. It's a generalization of Faltings's almost purity theorem in p-adic Hodge theory.

33. An algebraic setting for a natural generalization of q-Bessel functions is provided.

34. Moreover, the use of language is only a generalization for a colour equivalent.

35. Those who reject generalization insist that history consists of unique and separate events.

36. The limited body of mathematical results describing chaotic control networks makes generalization difficult.

37. But secondary or learned similarities can mediate generalization between otherwise quite dissimilar stimuli.

38. Babuška gave a significant generalization of the Lax–Milgram theorem using weak Coerciveness (cf

39. This analysis applies directly to generalization tests for acquired equivalence of the sort depicted in Table

40. Schemes are likewise glued together from affine schemes, which are a generalization of algebraic varieties.

41. In such schemes generalization is regarded as a process applicable to different areas of content.

42. Cladding phenomena, such as absorption and ray tunnelling are superposable building blocks based on Fresnel’s laws and their generalizations.

43. Options are available to filter items, improve the geometry by a generalization and a tolerance adjustment borders.

44. Compactness can be thought of a generalization of these properties to more abstract topological spaces

45. This set includes both an Adapted book and task cards to support differentiation and generalization

46. This book will offer many examples of generalizations and empirical findings about politics that are based on the scientific method.

47. Generalizations, of course, do not always apply, yet certain attitudes are too prevalent to be rejected as simply aberrations.

48. Those seeking more universal generalizations may use different methods from those that seek more contextually specific levels of explanation.

49. Comparison of evidence from other countries or geographical regions would seek to confirm this generalization.

50. The discovery of strange particles lead to a generalization of the law of nucleon conservation.

51. It is a multivariate generalization of the definition of Covariance between two scalar random variables.

52. In the 1980s Branes were investigated as a possible generalization of string theory, which is …

53. Doubts then began to arise as to whether a single generalization on wages would suffice.

54. The complex history has led to the development of widely varying approaches to and generalizations of the affine connection concept.

55. The third is a Combinatorial generalization of principal fiber bundles to Combinatorial manifolds by voltage assignment technique, which

56. Further generalizations included coupling of electrons to acoustic phonons and magnons, excitonic polarons, polarons in low-dimensional systems, and bipolarons.

57. Allegory is the expression of truths or generalizations about human existence by means of symbolic fictional figures and their actions

58. The concept of Euler characteristic of a bounded finite poset is another generalization, important in combinatorics.

59. In our example, the data seem too contradictory to support any clear generalization about gender and voting.

60. The characteristics that define computational thinking are decomposition, pattern recognition / data representation, generalization/abstraction, and algorithms.

61. The second caveat is that this generalization, like most, while generally applicable, is not universally so.

62. This generalized definition includes traditional definition of contour and is explicable the law of cartographic generalization.

63. Kim [15] introduced a new notion, called a BH-algebra, which is a generalization of BCH / BCI / BCK-Algebras.

64. However, it isn't really fair to make sweeping generalizations about what Accountants do because there are several different types of Accountants

65. Sets a property if a certain Condition holds true—this is a generalization of Available and Uptodate.

66. Sometimes the phenomena are so complicated or the evidence is so mixed that no generalization is possible.

67. Behaviouralism believed in per capita or per individual study whereas Quantitative Revolution was based on gross generalization

68. Republican mayoral nominee Curtis Sliwa made Bigoted generalizations about Jews in a 2018 videotaped rant in which he accused the ultra-orthodox …

69. In functional programming, catamorphisms provide generalizations of folds of lists to arbitrary algebraic data types, which can be described as initial algebras.

70. Instead of the traditional constant product AMM model, Balancer’s formula is a generalization that allows any number of …

71. Rickard or derived equivalences as a generalization of Morita equivalences of rings and algebras are named after him.

72. Primary generalization will occur between stimuli that are similar, presumably because they have features or elements in common.

73. There have been many generalizations of Shoenfield's Theorem on the Absoluteness of $Σ^1_2$ sentences between uncountable transitive models of $\\mathrm{ZFC}$

74. Their simplified proof of Ulm's theorem served as a model for many further generalizations to other classes of abelian groups and modules.

75. They can, however, be included in the classical definitions of elastic materials by a generalization of Hooke's law.

76. First, good generalization from A to B can be readily explained in terms of mediation by the associate.

77. Cosmology: INDIGENOUS NORTH AND MESOAMERICAN COSMOLOGIES There are relatively few generalizations that can legitimately be made about Native American Cosmology as a whole

78. If you're comfortable with what strings are - Branes are the generalization of strings to more than one strand

79. The open essentiality of Marxism has determined that the generalization is its inhesion attribute of common philosophy education.

80. This background note examines the impact on LDCs and NFIDCs at an aggregated level, albeit the risk of generalization.